Sunday, November 16, 2008

Love it.

It's snowing! It's that really pretty light, whispery, feather-like snow that gently falls to the ground, and (and this is important) DOESN'T STICK. It's the kind of snow that makes you feel like you're in your very own snow globe, and that the holidays are officially here. Christmas lights, decorated trees, good food, family and friends, and sitting by the fireplace (if you have a fireplace, which I don't, but anyone who does and is willing to indulge me in this part of my fantasy is encouraged to do so). Interestingly, I was at Trader Joe's today and I saw chestnuts for sale. The roasting kind. The kind for which a fireplace would come in really handy. I've never had them, but I've always been curious. Now that it's snowing, it's that roasted chestnut time of year.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I have a really good recipe for brussel sprouts with chestnuts, shallots and maple syprup. So yummy!