Sunday, November 16, 2008

Evil Chore Day

Today is what I not-so-affectionately term "Evil Chore Day." Evil Chore Day comes about once a week. It is the day that I complete the following evil chores:

Evil Chore Number 3: Decluttering the kitchen table and counters, where I set everything down as soon as I walk in the door

Evil Chore Number 2: Dealing with the massive piles of dirty clothes, clean clothes, and other laundry by actually doing laundry and/or putting laundry away

The Most Evil and Vile of All Chores, Evil Chore Number 1: Doing the dishes

I don't know what it is with me and dishes. I loathe doing them. I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a pencil. I don't have a dishwasher (oh, heavenly dishwasher!), so I'm forced to do them all by hand. I know, I know, if I just did them as I used them it wouldn't be a big deal. But I just don't work that way, ok? I'll use a few dishes and then put them in the sink, and then a few more will find their way in there and then I get scared of them (what if there's mold or a spider in there or something?), so I keep adding dishes to the pile until there's a. no room left in the sink, or b. one of the dishes I need is dirty. Of course, this means I have to do the whole damn bunch of them at one time, which makes this insufferable chore even worse. Not to mention the fear factor goes up considerably when I then have to pick up each dish to wash it (after it's been in the sink for up to a week) and see what might possibly be hiding beneath it. It's very rare that anything actually IS hiding beneath it, but you never know. Yes, I'm so bad at doing my dishes that I'm actually scared of them. And after all this, I just can't break the cycle. Somebody help me...

Note: You don't have to cringe in disgust if you've ever eaten at my place. Yes, the dishes in the sink may be dirty (although I always try to have all dishes done when I have company over, scared or not), but I'm extremely thorough in washing them. Once I get around to it.

One chore that is not part of Evil Chore Day, because I actually like doing it and generally do it most week days, is ironing. I know a lot of people hate ironing. Frankly, I just don't understand that. Ironing is so zen. The back and forth, and the soothing steam sound coming out. Not to mention the awesome satisfaction of seeing a wrinkly piece of fabric turn into a smooth one. It's not messy. It's not smelly. It's warm. I love to iron.

Anyway, as I'm currently in the middle of Evil Chore Day (I've done the worst part, the dishes, but the clothes have yet to come), I should probably go finish it. My reward will be a nice hot bath with the rest of my People magazine. I'm outta here!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Erin, we are soul sisters with our detest of dirty dishes. All of my adult life, I have had a dishwasher until my current apartment. I remember looking at the place and thinking, "hmm, no big deal, I can just hand-wash them." Two years later, it's a big deal. My next place will defintely have a dishwasher. Until then, I make it through this evil chore by jamming out to a really good playlist. I highly recommend good makes a bad chore bearable, and sometimes, even kind of fun.