Friday, November 7, 2008

Greatest Dog in the World.

No blog of mine would be complete without a post on my most favorite furry creature in all the world, my dog Clara. I first met Clara four years ago, when I was volunteering at the local animal shelter. I had moved to Chicago less than a year before, and had had to leave the family dog behind since she was technically my parents' dog. As many of you know, I am a HUGE animal lover, particularly dogs, and was depressed that I couldn't be around one every day like I was used to. I figured that volunteering at the shelter would allow me to get my dog fix for awhile until I found the right dog for me.

Well, if you're ever looking for a dog and you're having a hard time deciding, my advice is to volunteer at a shelter for awhile. As a volunteer you get first dibs on any dogs that come in, and you see a ton of them. Working in a shelter can be heartbreaking, especially when dogs stay there for a long time because no one wants them. It can also be really inspiring though, to see people come in looking and leave so full of happiness and love for the newest member of their family.

After I had been volunteering at the shelter for about six months, I came in one day for my shift and walked around the cages to see who had been adopted out in the last week and who was new. At the very end of my walk, I came to a crate that contained this shaggy, confused-looking cream-colored terrier just sitting there, looking around. I grew up with terriers and have a particular soft spot for them, so when she looked up at me and came over to the door of the cage to sniff me, I knew I was falling. I took her out for her evening walk, and we went and sat under a tree. She curled up next to me and nudged her nose under my hand to indicate that she would like to be petted (she continues to do that to this day). That was pretty much all it took. I told the shelter owner that night that this dog was going to be mine.

She had to stay at the shelter for two weeks to make sure no one came to claim her (I was really nervous about that!), and so she could get spayed and get all her shots. I worked not far from the shelter, and every day on my lunch break, I would drive over to the shelter and take her for a little walk. Normally, people couldn't just go over and take out a dog they were waiting for, but since I volunteered there, they didn' t say anything. On the day she came home with me, I remember thinking "What have I done? I'm responsible for another life now!" but it was by far one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I named her Clara after a character in my favorite book, Dandelion Wine, and she's been my best girl ever since. She's seen me through three jobs, a move, several break-ups, and many stressful days. She keeps me company and prevents me from getting lonely since I live by myself. She makes me laugh fairly regularly with her terrier ways. One of the best parts of my day is when I go to bed at night and she jumps up on the bed for her nightly cuddle. I know a lot of non-dog people don't understand it, but she is my family here in Chicago and I'm forever grateful that I found her.

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