Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I have a new tv show obsession. I started watching Glee with the single-show preview they had last spring. I liked it, but I wasn't wowed by it. But, I was curious enough to tune in when the season officially started this fall. I'm officially wowed.

The show kills it every time. Billed as a musical comedy, it centers around a high school glee club that, at first, attracted only the misfits at the school. As their talent became a little more well-known, they managed to gain a few of the popular crowd as members as well. The dynamics are all there--the love triangle (or square, in this case), the flamboyantly gay kid who's still in the closet, the overweight girl with bad self-esteem but an incredible voice, the kid in the wheelchair, the pregnant cheerleader, being popular versus being yourself, etc. Matthew Morrison, who plays the coach of the glee club, is a SICK dancer (as has been displayed on the show several times already) and very attractive. Jane Lynch also gets in on the fun by playing a maniacal cheerleading coach who is out to get Mr. Schuster (Morrison). She's a riot.

What makes the show so damn entertaining, however, is the music! Whoever the writers are, they have a keen sense of exactly what songs make you go "Oh my god, I LOVE that song!" It seems like every song on the show is something you would belt out when you're alone in the car with the radio turned up. If you haven't watched this show yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. It's like watching an hour-long musical with really good music and lots of laughs every Wednesday night.

The clips below are from one of my favorite episodes, where the glee club was broken out into guys versus girls and each group was assigned to come up with a "mash up"--basically a combination of two songs that already exist. The first clip, of the guys, has them singing a mash up of "It's My Life" and "Confessions." The second clip, of the girls is their mash up of "Halo" and "Walkin' on Sunshine." They're both awesome. We'll see how long these clips remain on youtube (and therefore my blog) since they're copyrighted, but for right now, here they are:

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