Today was my neighbor Amy's dog Keeva's seventh birthday. If you recall, last week was Clara's birthday. Clearly, the only logical thing to do in this situation was to have a dog birthday party. So we did. Dog cake (recipe
here--but a word of warning: mixing the batter of this cake, which includes canned meaty dog food, will make you gag multiple times) was made for the canines, and Funfetti cupcakes for the humans (mmm...). The dogs were UBER-EXCITED even before they knew they were getting their very own birthday cake. They stuck to us like glue the whole time we were making it. And then? When they each actually got their own paper plate with a piece of cake on it (frosted with peanut butter, no less!)? Let's just say a new world opened up to them. A world of meaty cake. And that, my friends, is a world that should be denied no one.

The birthday girls, waiting patiently as their cake bakes.

Pretty sure this qualifies as a masterpiece (the sevens are because they turned 7 years old, and yes, we used Snausages for candles because we're brilliant like that)

After we sang the Birthday Song, Amy presented the girls with their pieces of cake

Nom nom nom...

With cake this good, it's hard to wait for your second piece
to cool off
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