Friday, August 14, 2009

Extreme Makeover, Hair Edition

I met my good friend Ann at work nearly two years ago. When I first met her, her hair was about shoulder length. Ever since that time she's been growing it out in an effort to donate it to Locks of Love, a charity that makes wigs out of real hair for cancer patients. It's taken quite a while, but yesterday she finally went in and had it chopped off...all ten inches of it.

Here is what Ann looked like yesterday at work:

And here is what she looked like today at work:

Did you notice how she's not really giving a full smile in the picture from yesterday? That's because you always have to look kind of sad in the before picture, like your life sucks and won't it be great when you can transform your whole world with a simple hair cut???

When she came home after cutting her hair, she expected Owen, her three-year-old to either not recognize her or at least say something wild. He didn't even blink an eye.

The girl is a rock star.

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