It was nearly 80 degrees outside today, folks. In this neck of the woods, we call those summer conditions. The first day of summer conditions in Chicago is always kinda goofy. People walk around with this happily confused look on their face as if to say, "Wait, you mean it's actually going to stop being winter? It's been so long that I thought it was kind of a permanent gig." Some people who have plain given up on ever being warm again in their lives still don coats and jackets. Those who held out hope all this time and actually checked the forcast are all too happy to wear shorts and tank tops. You walk outside and smell the air and it smells sweet and warm. Relief washes over you as you think, "Yes! We've finally finished this interminable race with the gods of snow and ice!" You take your dog for a walk when you get home, and there is a big bright rainbow over a startlingly aqua-marine lake. The perfect end to a day of perfect weather.
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