Friday, September 24, 2010

Favorite Commercial of All Time

So I'm kind of a sap and I've always loved the Hallmark commercials (even more so than their movies a lot of times). More often than not, they make me all teary and when a freaking COMMERCIAL can make you cry, well, that's saying something for the power of good advertising. Or maybe it's just saying something about me being a freak show, but I choose to go with the former.

My favorite commerial of all time actually aired when I was a kid, aged maybe 8 or 9. It is a Christmas commercial about a little boy waiting for his older brother (who he adores) to come home from college for the holiday. Except there is a blizzard raging outside and as the hours wear on, he becomes resigned to the fact that his brother probably won't make it in time. In their family, they have a tradition that the brothers sing Christmas carols together for the family on Christmas Eve. That night, the little boy starts singing "O Holy Night" (btw, my fave Christmas carol) all alone. I'm sure you can deduce what happens next, given that this is a Hallmark commercial.

The commercial aired during Hallmark's presentation of "The Secret Garden" (which is actually a fabulous movie), and even as a kid it moved me and has stuck with me all these years. I've tried finding it online several times, but until now I've had no luck. Today it randomly entered my thoughts and I decided to hop on over to YouTube to see if anyone had posted it since the last time I checked a year or so ago. I pretty much squealed out loud when I typed in "Hallmark Christmas commercial brothers" and it magically appeared. YouTube, I love you.

1 comment:

M said...

Unbelievable. It really did make me cry even while I remember how insanely cheesy it is and exactly what's going to happen.