Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bookstores That Make You Go "Ooooo..."

This article from spotcoolstuff.com is kind of like every bibliophile's wet dream. I drooled over the children's bookstore in Bejing, as well as the bookstore in a cathedral in the Netherlands. Now my keyboard is all wet and not working very well. I actually have a photograph from an art fair I went to of the outside of Shakespeare and Co. Antiquarian Books that I desperately need to get framed. In the photograph there is insanely poetic and beautiful personal ad written on a chalkboard right outside the door. I also now desperately need to get the book they mention in the article about said bookstore. I LONG to go to this bookstore. In the meantime, I'll have to settle for this article. But if you happen to have a spare plane ticket going around the world and you really need a travel companion, I know someone who might begrudgingly go with you.

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