I tried doing a little research to see if birds mourn their dead, but I didn't find much. I did, however, find this blog posting, which I thought interesting and very similar to what I saw this morning:
"I'm not quite sure why this has haunted me all day, but it has. As I walking in to work today, I noticed a bit of bright red in the street ahead of me. As I got closer, I realized it was a beautiful male cardinal, lying dead in the middle of the street. His color was so vivid that it seemed just terribly wrong that he could be dead. I moved toward him. There wasn't anything I could do, but it seemed right to move him out of the road and onto the ground.
As I approached him, I also became aware of an insistent warbling. I thought I knew exactly what it was, but it took a while for me to peer into the branches above before I could spot her. But I finally did: The female mate of this dead cardinal, keening away.
After moving her dead mate, I could not linger, for I had to get to work. I wonder how long she stayed there and I wonder what was happening in her little cardinal brain. And I wished I could have done something more.
I'm tempted to write more and explicate this story into an allegory, but I will restrain myself. Let the story speak for itself."
As I approached him, I also became aware of an insistent warbling. I thought I knew exactly what it was, but it took a while for me to peer into the branches above before I could spot her. But I finally did: The female mate of this dead cardinal, keening away.
After moving her dead mate, I could not linger, for I had to get to work. I wonder how long she stayed there and I wonder what was happening in her little cardinal brain. And I wished I could have done something more.
I'm tempted to write more and explicate this story into an allegory, but I will restrain myself. Let the story speak for itself."
So it seems that maybe cardinals really do mourn their dead. If so, it just proves that animals are far more complex than we give them credit for. Either way, it sure made an impact on my morning walk.
Oh...so heartbreaking. :(
That is so sad! Your post make me think of the most recent This American Life episode, "Remember Me." If you haven't listened to it yet, make sure that you have tissues handy. I listened to it on one of my drives home this week and the first story about "Jenny" had me in tears.
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